Members are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 19th November 2018 at 6PM at the Antigua Yacht Club’s Event Centre.

The Board gives notice that they propose a Special Resolution that Louis Sinclair is made an Honorary Life Member to acknowledge his contribution to yachting including America Cup and Volvo Round the World Race.

Special thanks to the Nominating Committee for their time and effort into producing their report.

Report from the Nominating Committee
As per By-Law 18
a)             submitted by the Nominating Committee not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting; or
b)            from the floor at the Annual General Meeting except that if the Member nominated is not present he or she should have previously signed a paper to the effect that he is willing to stand if he is nominated.
The Committee’s nominations are:-

Commodore Franklyn Braithwaite
Vice Commodore Clare Cupples
Rear Commodore Ashley Rhodes
Secretary Gillian Gobinet
Treasurer Jane Easton
Fleet Captain Mervyn Gutteridge
Dinghy Fleet Captain Paola Vittoria
Power Boat Fleet Captain Steve Carson​/Richard Fear
Social Director Zoe Carlton
House & Grounds Steven Spanis
Director at Large Jonty Layfield
Classic Fleet Captain Jane Easton

Members have until 48 hours before the AGM, to nominate eligible members to any or all post. Any such nominations to be submitted to the Secretary in writing and signed by 2 Full voting Members, or nominations can be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

A provisional AGM agenda has been prepared and members have until ten days prior to the AGM to submit items for resolution at the AGM.  The provisional agenda appears below.  Circulation of this Agenda serves as a Notice of the date and time of the AGM in accordance with By-Law 26.​ 


  1. Adoption of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  2. Reports of the Flag Officers
  3. Reports of the Committees elected by the membership
  4. Consideration and approval of the Club’s annual accounts
  5. Report of the Nomination Committee
  6. Nominations from the floor
  7. Election of the Board of Directors
  8. Appointment of Auditor
  9. ​Approval of proposed Special Resolution ​that Louis Sinclair ​is made an Honorary Life Member to acknowledge his contribution to yachting including America Cup and Volvo Round the World Race.
  1. Any Other Business


All 2018 Annual Members and Life Full Voting and Life Honorary are entitled to vote.   Life Overseas Members are entailed to observe.