Team Antigua on their way to New Zealand for the World Sailing Worlds Junior Championship
Antigua is currently being represented by an all star team at the World Sailing Youth Championship in New Zealand. The team comprises Jules Mitchell in Laser Class; Rocco Falcone (skipper) and Louis Bavay (Coach) in the 29er Class; Karl James (Coach) and Paola Vittoria (Team Leader).
Day 1 Racing Overview & Results
Typical New Zealand windy day !!!
“17 knots gust to 22/23 and somewhat cold” reports Paola!
Rocco & Louis on 29er class had a difficult day.
Starting good until weather mark than few capsizes in all the races made them loose their position; 2nd race they had a black flag.
1st race 20th
2nd 26th
3rd. 23rd
Total standing they are 23rd
Jules Mitchel started the day with a paracetamol !!!! But he did 2 great races on the 2nd race his main sheet block broke and he had to sail without it.
1st race 20th
2nd race23rd
Position 19th overall. VERY WELL DONE JULES
Day 3 Racing Overview & Results
Today very light wind but beautiful warm day
29er Rocco & Louis had a great 1st race: 14th
2nd race :22nd
3rd race:19th
Still standing 23rd over 26 sailors!!
Laser radial Jules still holding a great position.
1st race:24th
2nd race:34th
Overall 26th over 57 sailors!!
Watch this space for more updates!